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Ongel’s 101 Coaching Academy



Ongel's 101 Coaching Academy

"It's your time to walk in Freedom"

Each coaching session is tailored to meet the needs of the client. Coach Ongel takes pride in serving every client by creating an environment that fosters courage and peace. Additionally, her attentive ear, patience, and heart which desires to see each client live as an overcomer have proven to produce 100%results. Everyone who desires living in freedom must put in the work to receive it and enjoy it.

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According to Anneli Rufus an American author & journalist: “self-confidence involves selfrespect and having the courage to tell the truth about who you are, what you like, and what you believe”.

Confidence is the ability to handle the emotional outcome of whatever you’ll face in life. When you begin to acknowledge every emotion including difficult emotions rather than avoiding them. Confidence instills a personal sense of being capable and competent (having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully).



Freedom is the ability to live without constraints or control of what once held you hostage both internally and externally.

  • You need to walk in freedom so that you can live the life that God has designed for you to enjoy.

  • Choosing to be in Christ is the keyway to have access to freedom. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”. 2 Corinthians 5:17

  • Most people want freedom from their past hurts or baggage so that they can live freely.

  • BIG QUESTION: What is that one thing that you need be set free from? 



Overcome the Past

An overcomer is a champion and victor over their past life circumstances which no longer can prevent them from enjoying life, peace, and freedom to be happy.

You would have successfully overcome the past trauma, dreadful situation, or tough diagnosis when you have fully acknowledged that you are being affected by that circumstance(s), take the necessary steps to become whole again and consciously not allow it to hold you hostage from your present and future.

Big Question: How do I move forward as an overcomer of past life trauma?

  • Make a conscious decision to live in the present and hope for a brighter future in the Lord.

  • Forgive those who’ve wounded you and make peace with the past.

  • Replace any negative thinking about the past with positive thinking while living in the present.


Choosing Wholeness

Living a life of wholeness is attainable because we have the power of choice and free will in our hands. One can make a conscious decision to pursue wholeness within themselves: mind, body, and soul. A person cannot be fully whole and still be emotionally broken, spiritually weak, and or living in “the past mindset”. It is imperative that a person makes a conscious decision to pursue that which in manifestation is a life of peace, having a stable mind, emotionally and spiritually healthy lifestyle.

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